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04.03 | 08:03

Amazing news about your book Julie, am so excited to see Bird Song in print. Signed copy obviously! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’š

02.02 | 20:18

Thank you for your kindness in sharing. I'd love to participate in the online learning

05.12 | 19:45

Morning Julie, would you have a spot in today’s 9.30 for a casual? Josephine

18.10 | 03:57

Hi Julie 😊,
Can I please go on the waitlist for Monday 8.15am class ?

Namaste ,

Mary x

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The image is from my workshop/yoga/meditation class.

Power is in Your Hands.

Click here to practice the class


Wisdom & Intuition

..."the common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but the seeing eye pierces through and reads the heart and soul..."

Mark Twain

A life - changing experience

We have two eyes that look at the outside world.

But we have a Third Eye, in yoga teachings, it sits in the middle of your brow.

Your "mind's eye" looking inwards at how you feel.

Don't be afraid of how you feel, learn from your feelings, your emotions.

Sit with them in meditation.

Study them.

You have the tools.

Practice yoga, meditation, massage, go for a walk, cry your heart out, howl your grief.

You're only human after all.

You will feel negative emotions.

You will feel pain.

You will suffer.

You will die one day & who knows when that will be.

Don't run away from the hard parts of life, learn from them.

Live your life well my friend

Julie Ivison

I hope you have a deeper understanding now of what you need to change in your life to make it more joyful.

Live your life to the full

Moon Flower - Ancient Healing

Week 40 - 48 of Bird Song

If you don't like my recipes, try your own, use your own wisdom.

The system is guiding me & you.

We will go in different directions but we are on the same path.

Rainbow Teachings


Third Eye Chakra


Focus is on the mind & emotions: Looking at things from a different perspective.

Finding the healer within


Physical focus is the head 

Practice yoga asana with the head down or head resting on third eye.

More meditation is encouraged which is good for the head and mind.

Marma Therapy and chanting are more important now.

Musical Note A

Breathing technique  - Nadi Shodhana

Seed Mantra is OM

Singing Bowls

Are used for sound healing

Google Dr Gaynor and learn how he uses them as part of his treatment for cancer to complement conventional treatments.

Learn more in my October 2020 Newsletter

Learn about sound vibration or better still feel it.

You can buy a singing bowl, you can sing, you can chant, you can play a musical instrument

You can do anything you want too.

Donations appreciated

Aries Full Moon - My journal

I have been a little afraid of moving onto the last 2 sections.

I know I wrote the course but it isn't mine, it is my modern interpretation of everything I have read, learnt, experienced and added to my life.

I have spent at least 3 months on the third eye chakra. I have been busy in my mind, organising and planning classes and lost some of my calm and focus, fortunately it always returns with my yoga practice and often I have practiced my own classes because I have found it hard to practice without guidance. Strange as it seems I love practicng my own classes and am often surprised at how good they make me feel.

I have given up trying to fix others.

I am "fixing" myself.

A big responsibility has lifted from my shoulders.

I will pick and choose classes.

Follow the moon

Write & share.

When the earth is pulled from beneath my feet, which I know it will be as I grow older.

I know where to find her strong and stable embrace.

It's your path, your responsibility, your healing journey.

I have my own.

Namaste Julie

I'm excited to see what wil happen next.    7 - Balanced & Whole

What happened the next day!


If your reading this you have been journeying with me.

I feel I know you and can share from my heart.

I guess we all think we are not good enough. Not seen for who we really are.

I'm crying now..Bird Song has just been proof read.

The words from the editor has touched something raw.

"Hello Julie

Thank you for entrusting me to proofread your book. It was an absolute privilege to work on it. It was a beautiful, gentle, inspiring book. Thank you for taking the time to write such lovely words."

"No matter your circumstances, inside of you is "bliss" It feels like everything and nothing. It  tingles and hums. It is life itself, it is not caught up in dramas. It flows through you and every living thing, connects you to the whole. You can't push yourself there, you must relax, surrender, breathe."

Links for Teaching Meditations

Three Wise Women Free Meditations

The Bell *Guided students.

Purple Stone  Free Meditations

This flower is a White Waratah. A Sacred flower, it grows here, in NSW, in a secret place, kept hidden. The image is of a cultivated White Waratah which flowered in my garden. I felt it was special, and "her" story means a lot to me. I treasure it. After a quick internet search I had the beautiful story of the spirit women coming down to earth...The story of how the waratah became red, is another story, an age old story, of men trying to control women's spirituality, to reduce women's power, women's ways, but not succeeding. Never succeeding. We need the sacred feminine and sacred masculine teachings and the in between stories, the shared experiences.

This story I found in D'harawal compiled by Francis Bodkin. I believe we should all have a copy of this book, especially if you live around the Sydeny is important to remember that the stories of the land change dependent on country but the teachings are universal and Australia is one of the last countries to be forced to hide them. You learn the stories here, you learn the stories of the country of your birth.

Links for the yoga classes in this section

3/ The Wisdom of Yoga - Everyone *Guided students only

Yoga is a meditation.

Yoga Classes for this section

1/ Prana & Health - Everyone   Strong Women

* Enjoy using your essential oils, they'll add so much more to your practice. 

2/ Colours of The Rainbow - Everyone *Guided students only

Bird Song

I know I am not balanced and whole and probably never will be but I am happy with that.

I know I can always practice yoga and find peace, strength, focus, love and so much more.

Emotions and feelings change quickly for me but it's the negative one's my mind seems to want to focus on.

I have just returned from 3 months in England. My Mum is 82, my Dad died a while ago and I feel the guilt again of leaving.

I am returning to the water classes, I know they will help me ebb & flow.

It was such a beautiful summer in England and so wet when we left Australia and returned!

But I am releasing already the too strong hold and moving into my life here again. I learn't my family were from the Moorlands weavers of cloth and perhaps weavers of dreams...and the land, the country, the beauty, the hidden places felt like they were welcoming me home.

Last week I bought a beautiful Shri Yantra


"Yantras serve to draw in the cosmic life force and establish a space for healing to occur."

It sat in the middle of our Bird Song women's circle when we practiced Marma Therapy with essential oils. 

"The yantra can be used generally for all forms of healing and preparation of herbs."

I have always wanted to have one with first ever Ayurvedic book. The yoga of herbs recommended Shri Yantra and had an image. I stored it in my mind but forgot why. Out came my book again.

I read this and realised it was my next gift and that I have made huge changes this year.

"Shri Yantra is the king of yantra, the great yantra of the goddess that represents and contains within itself the entire universe."

I can't take away my mother's pain, only she can.