The last classes before my holiday to England for 3 months are 11th April.
The next classes are 1st August
Casuals are welcome until then for $15.
*Check with me on Sunday to make sure there is space in class. The 9.30 am class is full but usually there is someone who can’t make it.
To guarantee your place in class I recommend buying a pass or paying for classes in advance.
One of the reason’s I have recorded my classes and put them on my website free to practice is to encourage you to keep practicing while I am on holiday.
Even better there is a free Yoga & Ayurveda course for you to begin which guides you through the classes. A Women’s Path to Health and Well-being. Practice as little or as often as you like. The course takes a minimum of 1 year. There are no test’s and you begin with a diary and your own plans or goals. There are recommended books if you are interested and want to learn more. By the end of the course you will understand how to use this wonderful system of healing. Understand which yoga & meditation classes will benefit you, learn which specific herbs, food & diet, mudra’s, massage, breathing exercises, essential oils, crystals will help you stay balanced. Always changing and adapting. If you wish for specific guidance with special workshops & classes, begin soon before I go on holiday.
My Yoga Classes
Have evolved over the last 7 years of teaching, learning and studying. They are far more than an exercise class and are based on the teachings and wisdom passed down over 1000’s of years, joining together Yoga and Ayurveda. Teaching the whole practice in a modern, feminine way. The course evolved from my wish to share this knowledge.
The asana or exercises are a very small part of yoga however we need the asana as Westerners who sit in chairs a lot, to regain our physical strength and flexibility.
For us yoga asana are an important step into the system.
There are 15 free yoga classes. Only 2 of them, the foundation classes focus mainly on alignment and then we dive deeper into the lovely hand gestures and teachings, self massage, breathing exercises known as Pranayama, colour, sound and visual meditations. There are a lot of free teaching meditations on my website. Most are 10 minutes. Don’t forget to practice Yoga Nidra which is a 30 minute laying down meditation. We need to learn how to relax our bodies and minds.
I am always studying. I have joined Swami Saradananda’s Yoga Teacher mentoring program and am joining her for Satsang on Zoom. She lives in England.
Swami Saradananda has written some of my most loved books that I use often in class. Mudras for Modern life is one of them. They all teach through the chakra system.
I am also completing a Moonology Course with Yasmin Boland. Astrology is another part of Ayurveda, an important part in India. My course is focused on the feminine and nothing is more feminine than the moon and it’s monthly cycles. Which can be used to empower you to make changes in your life through planning and resting. All of the planets and luminaries are stories of human qualities and many would feel that they are more than stories. We are part of the universe we live in. The course is quite in depth and I have been writing birth charts which are very interesting and another way to encourage self enquiry. Ask me if you’d like your birth chart, only you have this chart and it is much more accurate if you have your birth time. Cost $60. It takes me a couple of weeks. I gather the information and then just as I teach. I quieten my mind and write.
Teach what you learn, pass on the Ancient knowledge that has sadly been lost and not appreciated in our society. We need it. It is mostly common-sense and overcomes hundreds of years of Western brainwashing!
What do we need most in life to be happy & fulfilled?
A healthy body and mind.
Money can’t buy it.
You have to work, in different ways, with a different goal. The Yoga & Ayurveda Course is work but when work and “play” become the same thing you know, your on the right path.
My wish is for us all to become wiser women. Calm, strong, motivated and living our best life,
Life is up and down...emotions can carry us in the wrong direction, caught up in drama or tragedy for a while but there is always another new moon or new year to get us back on our life’s path.
Speaking of New Year...It’s the Chinese New Year on this Aquarius New Moon.
The year of the Tiger. More for me to learn.
But the question is always, what interest's you?
Keep on learning & enriching your life.
Namaste Julie
Latest comments
04.03 | 08:03
Amazing news about your book Julie, am so excited to see Bird Song in print. Signed copy obviously! 🙏🏻💚
02.02 | 20:18
Thank you for your kindness in sharing. I'd love to participate in the online learning
05.12 | 19:45
Morning Julie, would you have a spot in today’s 9.30 for a casual? Josephine
18.10 | 03:57
Hi Julie 😊,
Can I please go on the waitlist for Monday 8.15am class ?
Namaste ,
Mary x