I was going to England in May to visit my Mam for a month but not now!

Dave is still having a months holiday and we are beginning the Great North Walk again and House boating. I am looking forward to it.

On holiday I leave my phone at home in it’s basket, no emails, no texts. It is an easy way to become more Mindful.

I take a step back and I practice morning yoga for myself.

I usually come up with ideas of what to teach in class when I am practicing. I sometimes stop and grab a pen! Then I look at mudras, meditations, marmas and things I have read to connect it all together and then focus on how to adapt it for everyone.

It takes up quite a lot of my time. On holiday I let this go...almost!

I take a break from socialising by disappearing to practice restorative yoga in the afternoon...bliss and come back bright eyed and bushy tailed. Ready for the next round of tea!

Instead of having jetlag, I practice restorative yoga in bed if I wake in the early hours and then creep out of bed early and enjoy the peace and connection to a different place.

Although I am not going to England I am going to holiday at home.

I am having a Mindful May.

Turning off technology.

I hope you have a break in May too.

This  chance to slow down has driven us towards technology more….step away for a while.                                            Rest...Renew...Heal

Meditations we practiced in class that you can practice at home in May.

Look down the list.

Give something a try.

Health and happiness comes from learning from a book or teacher then bringing it into your life when you need it, practicing often and adapting it.

I have a few 10 minute crystal meditation on my website  to get you started.

Golden Stone meditation is for self esteem, will power and confidence.

Willpower and confidence will change your life!

Om Chanting

Moon Flow (Available online)

Ganesha Mudra  (Elephant Gesture- Remove all obstacles in your life)

Nadi Shodhana


Any Yin Yoga posture - focus on your deep ocean breath.

Yoga Nidra (Free Online)


Bee Breathing

Face Massage (Free Tree of Life)

Warm damp compress o cross your forehead. Add a couple of drops of lavender & peppermint essential oil to a bowl of warm water dip in your face towel, squeeze and relax.

Garuda Mudra (Eagle Mudra)

Once you have found a meditation your enjoy, practice it daily you have found a gateway into peace and contentment.    

Namaste Julie

Latest comments

04.03 | 08:03

Amazing news about your book Julie, am so excited to see Bird Song in print. Signed copy obviously! 🙏🏻💚

02.02 | 20:18

Thank you for your kindness in sharing. I'd love to participate in the online learning

05.12 | 19:45

Morning Julie, would you have a spot in today’s 9.30 for a casual? Josephine

18.10 | 03:57

Hi Julie 😊,
Can I please go on the waitlist for Monday 8.15am class ?

Namaste ,

Mary x

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