Spring is here and it is now the 6th year of teaching yoga at the Hall.
It is time for some lovely feel good heart opening postures which are also connected to the next form of breathing we are focusing on Vyana Vayu. Connected to your heart, circulation, chest and strength and energy expanding outwards to your legs and arms.
Yoga Asana
A lot of lovely yoga postures to stretch and strengthen your chest and upper body. As well as yoga for your feet, legs, arms and hands. My new online class The Healer Within will be the last class of September. Learn how to use yoga massage points on your feet and hands whilst you practice a Yin Class. I was asked to record this class by one of my students, it was a favourite from last year.
When we feel stress or anxiety we tend to close down, to move inwards. Our thoughts get into a negative pattern and we don’t connect with the people, animals and the world around us. Shoulders tend to hunch and we can get snappy and irritable…..We may feel isolated and alone. Yoga means connection, to your body, your emotions and the world around you
Meditations and Pranayama
There are so many wonderful meditations to choose from that focus on the heart. One of my favourites which we will practice in the first week. Is the 5th Centaury Buddhist Meditation known as Metta.
From the book How To Love by Thich Nhat Hanh
“To love is first of all, to accept ourselves as we actually are. The first practice of love is to know oneself, The Pali word metta means “loving kindness.”
“We have to look deeply at our body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. We can observe how much peace, happiness and lightness we already have. We can notice whether we are anxious about accidents or misfortunes (or our health), and how much anger, irritation, fear anxiety or worry are still in us."
“We will see how our fears and lack of peace contribute to our unhappiness, and we will see the value of loving ourselves and cultivating a heart of compassion.”
“Begin practicing this meditation on yourself. Until you are able to love and take care of yourself, you can’t be any help to others. Then practice for others may he/she be happy and finally and most importantly practice on those who upset you.”
You will be able to think of them with compassion and realise that they need help and are very unhappy, sometimes a smile and a kind word can change a relationship
The words:
May I be peaceful, happy and light in body and spirit.
May I be safe and free from injury.
May I be free from anger, afflictions and anxiety.
May I learn to look at myself with the eyes of understanding and love.
May I recognise and touch the seeds of joy and happiness in myself.
May I learn to identify and see the sources of anger, craving and delusion in myself.
May I know how to nourish the seeds of joy in myself every day.
May I be able to live fresh, solid and free.
May I be free from attachment and aversion and not be indifferent.
From the yoga of herbs. “ CINNAMON is an effective herb for strengthening and harmonising the flow of circulation (vyana vayu) It is good diaphoretic and expectorant for colds and flus, and is especially good for those of a weak constitution. It relieves tooth ache and muscle tension. It strengthens the heart and warms the kidneys. I love this oil and sleep so well at night when a few drops with Frankincense are added to my waterless diffuser.
As promised here is the Ayurvedic Tri- DoshicTea recipe from the tea meditation we practiced last month. Recipe was given to me as part of my Ayurvedic Herbology Diploma. Thank You Denis Stewart for teaching me how to use this holistic system of medicine.
Boil 4 cups of filtered water in a saucepan.
Add 2 teaspoons of fresh ginger
4 whole cardamom pods lightly crushed.
1 whole cinnamon stick
8 whole cloves
Boil for 20 minutes, strain.
Drink warm or cool throughout the day.
Add honey if you prefer.
May it warm your heart
Namaste Julie
Latest comments
04.03 | 08:03
Amazing news about your book Julie, am so excited to see Bird Song in print. Signed copy obviously! 🙏🏻💚
02.02 | 20:18
Thank you for your kindness in sharing. I'd love to participate in the online learning
05.12 | 19:45
Morning Julie, would you have a spot in today’s 9.30 for a casual? Josephine
18.10 | 03:57
Hi Julie 😊,
Can I please go on the waitlist for Monday 8.15am class ?
Namaste ,
Mary x