Welcome! I'm Julie.

I'm a yoga teacher, herbalist, writer

and women's wellness mentor.

The aim of yoga is to improve and enhance the quality

and beauty of life, to become healthier in body, mind and spirit.

Join me in person or online as I guide, encourage and support you

through the wisdom teachings of yoga & Ayurveda.

Feminine. Inspiring. Nurturing. Yoga & Meditation Classes

Thunderbolt Pose
Thunderbolt Pose
Lotus Flower
Lotus Flower
Practice barefoot.
Practice barefoot.
Empire Bay Hall
Empire Bay Hall
Earth Yantra - A Visual Meditation
Earth Yantra - A Visual Meditation

Mondays at Empire Bay Hall

8.15 am - Gentle Yoga & Relaxation

9.30 am - Hatha Yoga 

6 pm - Hatha Yoga.

Let me know your coming along.

Text Julie 0438228372  

Send me an Email

Pay via webshop. Click here or in person.

New Student 4 week pass is $50

Casual $20

Book & Pay for more than 2 classes $15 per class

5 Pass is $70 & 10 Pass is $140

NEW Personal yoga classes/flexible times $60 for 1 hour.

Or be guided through the yoga & Ayurveda Course. 

Over seven weeks my yoga classes are carefully planned to gradually strengthen and build flexibility in your whole body.

The classes change with the seasons and are feminine and empowering.

In yoga terminology we are circling the chakras. The energy centre's that run through your spine and body.

The seven classes are supported by free online yoga and meditation classes and 3 free yoga & Ayurveda courses

Kind words & reviews: Thank You.

"Julie is a fabulous host and yoga teacher, very calm and friendly. Maria."

"The practice you offered was wonderful and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to attend..Denise."

"A gentle, nurturing approach to yoga that also allows so much space for learning new things. Charlotte."

"The yoga was amazing. Rosie"

"It is true every yoga teacher brings their own unique gifts and wisdom to their classes - and you most certainly have been an inspiration even after 30 odd years of random yoga practice. Fiona"

"I have learnt so much about myself and my body during the yoga sessions a lot that I will take away with me and continue, you have made me realise how important it is to make sure you take some time out for yourself. Laura"


Dear Julie

I particularly like your venue and presentation. You make yoga practice & mudra seem as though they are something that can (and should) be a part of everyday living.

with best wishes


Swami Saradananda's beautiful books and zoom Satsang teachings have influenced and inspired my classes. Mudras for Modern Life. The Power of Breath. Chakra Meditation. The Cleansing Power of Yoga. Sitting Comfortably.

Bird Song -Women's Circles

My little studio in Bensville. Let me know if you'd like to receive my Bird Song texts.

A place to practice women's ways. To breathe, to sing, to hum, to dance, to meditate, to dream, to wish, to nurture yourself.

The Solstice. Time to pause. Bird Song - Women's Circles will return in August.

*My yoga classes are still running & we practice all of the above as well as the yoga asana.

The Solstice is for everyone to celebrate but sadly most of us have forgotten. Sol in Latin means sun and stice comes from stister or sister and means to "pause"

We all need to take a pause more often in our busy lives.

We definitely need a pause from technology, it wastes so much of our precious time.

But we also need to rest, to be still, to sit and watch nature, to soak up the sun, to sit by a fire, to watch the moon or the brightest star, Sirius out in the West.

This is the forgotten medicine, the gift of the feminine.

The Yin of our overly Yang lives.

All the photographs on my website, all the beautiful places are images taken by me or my family, most are here on the coast or my birth place in England.

The places are lovely but they are not the experience of being there.

Go out and sit and soak up the land. Refill your cup.

I am taking a pause from Bird Song, I have family visiting and am looking forward to seeing you again in August.

Warm Wishes Julie

WORKSHOPS will be running on Saturday mornings 10 - 12. Cost $50

MOON CIRCLES will be held on an evening from 6 - 7.30 pm. Cost $20 

Bird Song - Singing Circle next circle will be the first Tuesday in September.

These are organised and booked through Artful Women  https://artfullwomen.com.au/ 

Held on the first Tuesday morning of the month at the Girl Guides Hall in Memorial Avenue. Ettalong. 11.15 - 12.15

Sing for the love of Singing. Simple Women's Songs. Singing Bowl & Flute.

"My wish is to help empower women to create and live a beautiful life. It is time for us to begin to create change. Let's encourage and nurture love, gentleness, peace, compassion, caring, softness, warmth, joy and feminine grace. 

Change must begin in our own lives and then spirals out into the world around us.

A beautiful quote by Ticht Nacht Han puts this into perspective.

"The greatest gift you can give your family and friends is your happiness."


Small changes over time are lasting
Small changes over time are lasting
Practice & time = Strength and flexibility
Practice & time = Strength and flexibility
Turn to the East and wish yourself a lovely day
Turn to the East and wish yourself a lovely day
Follow your heart
Follow your heart
The gift of yoga is the wisdom of it's teachings
The gift of yoga is the wisdom of it's teachings

For Free yoga & meditation classes click here

There are three complimentary Yoga and Ayurveda Courses here on my website too.

The courses are designed to guide and mentor you through the classes using the traditional knowledge and teaching it in a feminine, modern way. 

Many of you will know a little about yoga and meditation.

But what is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is yoga's sister science, interwoven and never separate.

      Yoga and Ayurveda are complementary practices that offer us transformative tools for fostering greater health and vitality

Bird Song my book is a lovely, simple yet powerful introduction to Ayurveda



Holistic Health -Yogic Healing

Providing for your physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. 

All these aspects affect your overall health.

200 hrs Byron Yoga - Hatha.

100 hrs My Health Yoga - Yin.

50 hrs Rainbow Kids Yoga.

Rewind Yoga for Breast Cancer Certificate.

Ayurvedic Herbology Diploma.

Diploma of Medical Herbalism.

Diploma of Food Therapy.

Thought Field Therapy.

Certificate of Moonology 

Healing Flute

The way of the Melissae.


My classes are adapted from Gentle to Advanced.
My classes are adapted from Gentle to Advanced.
Beautiful Bouddi
Beautiful Bouddi
Balanced & Whole
Balanced & Whole

Every Yin posture has a beautiful, gentle, restorative adaption. You don't force yourself into a yoga asana, you begin with a gentle variation. You learn to breathe and soften and then your body begins to relax, to surrender, to trust you, to let go and you move deeper and deeper....And while your resting, in a deeper space, you listen to the wisdom of the yoga teachings.

Which inspire and encourage you to not only change your physical health but the health of your mind and spirit. 

Namaste Julie

Advanced Yin Asana


  a gentle restorative adaption?

Every student in class is encouraged to practice to their level of flexibility.